About S&S Drug
S&S Pharmacy connects you with licensed pharmacists who live in the communities they serve. Our professional and friendly staff can answer any questions you have concerning prescriptions, over-the-counter products and many home health products and services. Please feel free to browse our site or visit us at either of our two Beloit, Kansas locations.

Our Family

Max Heidrick PharmD

Michele Heidrick

Chris Mondero PharmD
Pharmacist / Store Manager / Pharmacist in Charge

Katie Mispagel PharmD

Dana Cheney PharmD

Pat Gray

Glada Cooper
Front Clerk

Christy Miller
Front Clerk / Simplify My Meds Coordinator

Holly Heidrick
Front Clerk

Rodger Schmitz CPhT
Pharmacy Technician

Aaron Rut
HME Technician

Julie Schoen CphT
Pharmacy Technician / Insurance Billing Specialist

Jerica King
Insurance Billing Specialist

Bea Sahlfeld
Delivery Driver

Jo Rehmert
HME Resupply Technician

Dave Roberts
HME Technician

Heather Johnson
Office Manager

Chad Lorenz
DME Technician

Jordan Cousland
Pharmacy Technician

Terri Englebert
Costumer Service Specialist/Delivery Driver

Jessica Lowry
Pharmacy Technician
Our History